Category: Invitation to [email protected]

In a world that wants to tell you what to think and what to do, come explore the authentic life you were born to. Who might you be if you found the root within you?

You, Excellent Being, Get Better

You, Excellent Being, Get Better

Very simply, become authentically good. Whatever you choose to do, in all of your behaviors, with every intent, breathe into it your best presence, your best performance. In this moment and the next, be good. Find the best within yourself. Feel at home in excellence. Relax. Await the opening to pour that outward into your world. Then flow. Let the good just flow forth effortlessly. Be authentically good, rooted in a true intent to be just a little bit better than the last effort, a bit more on point, more accurately good, better than you’ve been able to achieve before,…

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